Here are some of the animated videos we have made for various clients.
Here are some of the animated videos we have made for various clients.
Did you know that 90% of the information that reaches the brain is visual?
How do you promote your business?
We can handle everything from concept to storyboards, text writing and the animation itself.
All with our usual transparent prices and immense exceptional service.
We are proud of the websites we deliver and want to make people aware that we deliver them a full system with opportunities and not just a website.
So we made this small animation to inspire them to think of their communication with their customers into a new website solution.
Our Danish partner company is running a fantastisk offer on websites and webshops so our animationteam made this small video teaser about the product. They even teased that the development of the site is in Bali.
Everything is specially drawn by our graphic team for this animation.
After a redesign of Candymix´ website the animationteam started to make an animationvideo aimed to potential buyers of the fantastic Candymix candy machine. Everything from idea to storyboard, specially drawn animation and music is made by our team.
The owner of the lawfirm Se Dit Barn already had the idea koncept and a partial storyboard ready for us. In a close sparre with the animationteam we had the necessary revisions done and ended up with a special drawn and very emotional end product.
Oslos best window washer wanted an animation showing all the benefit there is to choosing them. We took care of storyboard, animation, musik and concept in close cooperation with the owner of the company. Always with constructive revisions and focus on the end product.
Krudtdillen was on the look out for an animationvideo for their Black Friday campaign.
They delivered a handfull inspiration videos and then our animation team took over with the task of animating their logo and conceptualise the ideas.
It ended with a combination of animation and product pictures in which the products are presented attractively.
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